Feel More Positive... Get To Know Your Aura!

Feel More Positive... Get To Know Your Aura!

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the subtle energies that surround us. One such invisible force is our auric field – an intricate energy field that envelops each one of us.

Have you ever had an argument with someone and felt sad, angry and upset for days or weeks afterwards? This is because arguments or anything that puts you out of sort can often generate intense emotions, which disrupts the natural flow of energy in your aura, leading to imbalances. Simply put, these can create energy leaks in auric field - leading to days, weeks maybe even months or years, resulting in feelings of fatigue, depletion, or a general sense of being energetically drained.

In this blog post we'll explore the effects on how we feel and delve into which crystals can amplify positive energy.


What is Your Auric Field?

Your auric field is like a personal energy signature, extending beyond your physical body. Picture it as an ever-changing halo of energy, reflecting your thoughts, emotions, and overall state of being. This energetic cocoon is composed of layers, each with its unique vibration and significance.

Effects on Your Well-being:

The state of your auric field can influence your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. A vibrant and balanced auric field is associated with feelings of vitality, clarity, and emotional stability. On the flip side, imbalances or disruptions in your energy field may manifest into a big ball of emotional baggage! 

Working with Crystals to Harmonise Your Auric Field:

Crystals have been used for centuries for their energetic properties and many believe they can help cleanse, balance, and amplify the energy in your auric field.

Let's face it though - If you've started to delve into the world of crystal healing, it can sometimes feel bit overwhelming as there's so many different ones to choose from! Here's a few of the most popular crystals you can consider incorporating into your life:

  1. Aquamarine: Known for its calming and purifying properties, Aquamarine can help dispel negative energies and promote a serene auric field.

  2. Selenite: A go-to crystal for every day wear; It has the ability to cleanse your energy and bring clarity & positivity, making it an excellent companion for balancing your auric field.

  3. Rose Quartz: The gentle and loving energy of rose quartz can promote emotional healing, fostering a harmonious and compassionate auric atmosphere.

  4. Black Tourmaline: For those seeking protection from negative energies, black tourmaline acts as a powerful shield, helping to maintain the integrity of your auric field.

  5. Sunstone: Known as the "sunshine stone," sunstone is associated with positive energy and abundance, bringing a warm and uplifting vibe to your auric field.

Why wear crystal jewellery?:

When worn as jewellery, crystals form a harmonious connection with the body's energy field, allowing their subtle energies to interact with your aura. This direct contact enhances the crystal's ability to balance and amplify the energy within your auric field, fostering a sense of peacefulness and positivity. Whether you choose crystals for their calming effects, protective qualities, or ability to promote emotional healing, having them close to your skin ensures a continual exchange of energy, supporting your overall energetic balance and contributing to a heightened sense of well-being.

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you've enjoyed it! If you ever need any help or have questions around the wonderful world of crystal healing, feel free to pop me a message here.

Love & Light

Kimberley X

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